As God’s people, and with Holy Manners, we will:
Begin and end with TRUST
• Assume one another’s positive intentions
• Work collaboratively and honour the decisions we have made together
• Be accountable for what we have promised and made a commitment to do
• Share information so everyone has the information they need
• Take responsibility for our actions
RESPECT one another and our differences
• Exercise grace, compassion, and forgiveness especially when there are misunderstandings
• Make room for one another’s ideas and opinions
• Respect and care for each other regardless of differences of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, and where we are in life
LISTEN carefully and openly
• Listen to others with empathy, curiosity, and patience with the intent to understand and value what has been said
• Listen attentively and with an open and non-judgemental mind
SPEAK clearly and honestly
• Speak to others directly, respectfully, and clearly
• Take responsibility for what we say
• Honour confidentiality in our conversations with others
• Communicate decisions openly (transparently) and directly to others
• Promise to discuss, debate, disagree, and forgive openly in meetings
• Name bullying behaviour and gossip when we witness it.
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